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Invest Strategic Action Plan Updates

Board News July / August 2024

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  • At the beginning of June we hosted our bi-annual Invest State Association Leaders Call. State association leaders across 19 states participated including: AZ, CA, GA, IA, ID, KS, ME, MN, MO, NC,NE, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OR, SC and WY. State leaders were updated on the new LMS system, our upcoming intern series, new best practice program standards, DECA volunteer opportunities and how to help raise funds for Invest. In addition, states were sent a media promo kit to advertise the internship series along with ways to give back to Invest and the PowerPoint presentation available here.

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  • The Boys and Girls Club of Southeast Michigan is piloting our new LMS system in partnership with NAAIA Detroit/Michigan and Amerisure Insurance. 
  • We will be presenting on Invest at the National African American Insurance Association (NAAIA) Conference to increase our footprint in underrepresented communities with help from African American insurance professionals. 
  • This August, we will be prominently displayed at the entrance of the Latin American Association of Insurance Agents Conference. LAAIA has broadened its reach of support for Invest from Florida to now include Georgia. Some of our most active Invest chapters reside in the metro Atlanta area. 
  • We are thoughtfully continuing to meet with Big I staff leader of the Diveristy Council, Anitra Rivera, and Big I staff leader of Young Agents Council, Jamie Behymer to remain current on initiatives we can more closely align.

  • Big I State Relationships (1).pngWe are looking to increase our 2024/2025 funding by a minimum of $40,000 to provide a 10 percent increase in general operating funds.
  • We will be kicking off our first formal fundraiser of the year on November 15 at Top Golf in Charlotte. This will take place the day prior to our Invest Board Meeting in Charlotte.
  • We will also be putting together an online Giving Campaign around Give Tuesday and February Insurance Careers Month.
  • In addition, we are in the midst of applying for a grant with the Spencer Foundation. 

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  • On August 15th, we will kick off our first agency internship series – Internships Made Easy. The series will focus on how agents can create capacity and energize their agency through internships. In addition, the series will explore the intricacies of internships and diverse roles within insurance agencies. Lastly, the series will examine different internship structures, the advantage of hiring interns, and effective internship management.
  • In partnership with Big I of Minnesota we are working with the Urban League Twin Cities in Minneapolis to assist them with curriculum for their workforce development program for underrepresented individuals between the ages of 18 and 24. 

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  • Immediately following the Spring Invest board meeting we released our Best Practice Standards for Schools and Workforce Development programs. The goal of these standards is to enrich each of our programs by developing a thriving insurance ecosystem that paves the way to a stronger talent pipeline of Invest graduates for the insurance industry with a focus on the IA channel.
  • We will begin to partner with RISE Professionals to provide mentorship to our 2024 scholarship applicants. The mentorship program will match any of our interested applicants with an insurance professional to meet for 3 months. RISE Professionals is an insurance group focused on young professionals across the industry. We will continue to provide mentorship to our scholarship winners throughout the course of their collegiate education.
  • Lastly, we are partnering with the Ohio Insurance Institutes to develop a condensed version of the Invest curriculum for schools.
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  • Through our new partnership with DECA, we are working to pair volunteers to DECA schools beginning with the following six major markets: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, LA, NYC and Orlando. 
  • We were able to recruit volunteers to participate as judges and mentors for the DECA National Conference, ICDC, in Anaheim including Invest board member Doug Mohr. We will be looking for volunteers to help with the DECA leadership conference, Power Trip, in conjunction with the fall Invest Board Meeting in Charlotte. 
  • We are in the process of releasing new volunteer videos on our social media platforms, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. We will also be promoting our new LMS system with a call for volunteers and the need for talent in the industry.