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Connect In the Classroom

When you visit an Invest classroom, you are able to teach students about insurance and introduce them to careers in the industry. By sharing your experience, you help students understand insurance and may provide the spark that makes a student decide a career in insurance is right for them. They will be better educated insurance shoppers and a few may wind up in your agency or company as trusted employees.


Guest speakers during an Invest class provide firsthand knowledge of what it's like to work in the insurance industry, and students have a new appreciation for the industry after hearing a professional speak. Before you even enter the room, students are already happy to have someone other than their teacher speaking to them.

In addition, Invest provides all the materials needed to speak in a classroom, including PowerPoint presentations, classroom activities and discussion questions. Topics can include ratings, claims, what to look for in a policy, how you have succeeded in the industry or specific insurance roles, like investigations, underwriting or website development.

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