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College Bound

Collegiate Scholarships

Collegiate Scholarships

Apply Today! Application Deadline March 15, 2024.


Who can apply?

High school seniors who are currently participating in or have completed the Invest program.

What does it cover?

If you plan to use the funds to pursue a two or four-year college degree, this scholarship is right for you. Applicants must be Invest graduates pursuing a degree with an emphasis on insurance, risk management, actuarial science or business with the intent of pursuing an insurance-related career after graduation.

How Do I Apply?

  • The application is online, but you need to prepare a few things in advance.
  • To apply, use your regular email address (not a school email) that you check regularly and have access to after you graduate.


What Should I Prepare?

  • If you are under the age of 18, have your parents complete the Invest-permission-form
  • Provide a letter of recommendation from a teacher, counselor, or mentor. Local insurance professionals, Invest teachers, and volunteers are preferred.
        And the recommendation letter MUST be signed.
  • Complete the NEW Insurance activity portion of the application
  • Write a 500-word essay detailing the following:

    • The benefits of having participated in Invest 
    • Your plans for further education or career and how your plans were influenced by Invest 
    • Activities that show your interests like: honor societies, sports, extracurricular activities, internships or P-T jobs

  • A copy of a current school transcript which includes grade point average to date
  • A photograph (an original class picture preferred)

Entries are judged on creativity, content, grammar, spelling and the student's passion to pursue an insurance career.
 – Please Note: All entries become the property of Invest.

Helpful Tips

  • Draft and edit your essay in a word document and then copy and paste it into the online application form. The online form does not have spell check or other editing features.
  • Save your recommendation letter on the computer so they are easy to upload.
  • If you cannot obtain an electronic copy of your transcript or dont have access to a scanner for paper copy, you may mail it to us, but please include your scholarship log-in and password so we may upload it.
  • If you cannot scan your parent / guardian release form, you can mail it to us, but please include your scholarship log-in and password so we may upload It.

For questions concerning scholarships, contact Invest at info@investprogram.org or 1.800.221.7917.